SCOTT, La. (ENN) - The Scott Boudin Festival was abruptly shut down on Saturday night after a plethora of fights on festival grounds.
The festival was shut down just as Chris Ardoin was mid-performance, around 11:30 p.m., at the festival on Saturday.
Prior to the shutdown, Ardoin announced to festival goers that officials said if there is any more violence, the festival would have to close.
Moments later, people began running as another fight broke out in the middle of the crowd. A staff member then announced that the festival would be shutdown. Police began escorting people out.
Rumors claim that a shooting occured, however, that claim has been confirmed false.
This is definitely not a lie at 11:00 at the ticket booth near the stage gun shots was fired the lady at the both said everyone get down everyone was by the coke both trying to get under to protect there selves and running shortly after crowd started lining up again and the said sold out and Chris made the announcement right after that it was his last song
I was there and left before the festival was shut down. There was absolutely no metal detectors at the entrances to make sure no one was bringing in weapons or drugs. I went both Friday and Saturday and constantly smelled weed during Keith Frank and Chris Ardoin’s sets. I am surprised there wasn’t gunfire or any other weapons pulled out as a result of this incident because anyone could have brought anything into the festival.
I understand why the festival was shut down but I don’t understand why the creole singer have to be the closing act every time at the boudin festival.
They are why we can't have nice things. Uncivilized people cannot attend civilized events.
Show us the mug shots of the scumbags arrested for the maylay. Remove all doubt...